Title: Where The Grass Doth Grow
Description: Perspective poetry that empathizes with the leftover, long blade of grass.
Title: Paranoia Personified
Description: A poem inspired by and written for an artist, Cleo85, whose picture is displayed here.
Title: Swirls
Description: A song and poem written about cosmic energy flowing down from the universe.
Title: Without a Phone
Description: A poetic spoken word and commentary on society's addiction and transformation of technology.
Title: My Addiction
Description: A poem with a twist. Can you solve this riddle and figure out my addiction?
Title: Tonic Water in Dry Places
Description: A pondering of perspective and perception.
Title: Nearing the Truth
Description: An expression of enlightenment.
Title: Light Pours Through Trees
Description: Experience the experience of a meditator sitting deep in the woods.
Title: Sensitivity of the Mind
Description: Slow and steady, approaching life in a careful manner will help you understand that which influences your being.
Title: Enlightenment
Description: An acrostic about and related to enlightenment.
Title: Without a Phone
Description: A stanzaic poem written as a reflection of modern society and media addiction.
Title: Zeus' Benevolence
Description: An ABC poem that talks about the relationship between humans and the gods.
Title: haiku (O look, a rainbow)
Description: A colorful haiku about rainbow beams of light.
Title: Polychromatic Promise
Description: An ancient promise still holds power and symbolic meaning.
Title: Seeker's Promise
Description: A villanelle about meditation.
Title: Anthology of Human Existence
Description: A poem about the expectations of society and those who adventure off the beaten path.
Title: My Maniacal Muse
Description: When he starts typing, I take a backseat.
Title: Rampage of Words
Description: A spoken word-esque rant about life, writing, and meaning.
Title: Villanelle: Mind in Maze
Description: This was my first villanelle, discussing the struggle of life and the pull between spirit and material bodies.
Title: Percy the Clown
Description: A boy feeling down, and a silly old clown end up meeting on the side streets of town.
Title: Don't Read This
Description: A purposeless post.
Title: What Makes a Monster
Description: Nearing Halloween, what is it that makes a monster?
Title: Satan's Song
Description: A pure alliteration relating the evils of modern society.
Title: The Witch
Description: Have a happy Halloween!
Title: Ode: Don't Think Me Cruel
Description: Don't be fooled. It's not as bad as it seems.
Title: Inside Out Esophagus
Description: What is grotesque to some, is food for others.
Title: All Hallow's Eve
Description: Costumed kids, candy, and a bloody knife...
Title: haiku: Undead Army
Description: Braiiinnnnzzz...
Title: haiku: Rotten Meat Surprise
Description: One man's food is another's....
Title: A Typical Dinner
Description: A cute, children's-esque poem about the struggles of getting kids to eat their greens.
Title: Treasuring Trashy Treasure
Description: An antonym poem, one man's trash is another's treasure.
Title: The Wise Worm
Description: There is bounty and abundance all around. Do you see it?
Title: The First Awakening
Description: Fiction or not, an interpretation of my first awakening.
Title: Villanelle: Seeker's Promise
Description: The meaning of life resides in your mind. Will you find it?
Title: haiku: Family Photos
Description: Sometimes you just have to take the picture.
Title: Winter
Description: A personification of winter.
Title: monostich: Sardonic Sentaments
Description: Can one line be poetry?
Title: What Would You Say?
Description: A man about to commit suicide. What would you say?
Title: The American Dream
Description: A sort of cinquain, 2-4-6-8-10 and back down.
Title: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Description: The age old question ends in an icy crunch.
Title: Your Move
Description: A poem written in anger because the judge kept saying I wasn't following formal format.
Title: The "I"
Description: Who am I?
Title: The Life of a Toilet
Description: A free verse, satirical commentary on toilets.
Title: haiku: Sitting on the Pot
Description: A haiku telling of toilet humor.
Title: Thanksgiving
Description: An acrostic sharing Thanksgiving and the anticipation of Christmas.
Title: Home
Description: An antonym poem about the warmth and comfort of home.
Title: Look at the Letters
Description: Can you figure out the riddle?
Title: The Eminent Essay
Description: Are you a procrastinator? Do assignments get the best of you? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Title: The Drug Addicted Soul
Description: Enraptured and a fiend, the drug addicted soul is never satisfied.
Title: Almost Addiction
Description: Describing the danger and pain of the drugged up streets.
Title: haiku: Sitting in a Box
Description: How many children live on the cold, hard street? Let's recognize and respond.
Title: This Side of the Tracks
Description: Depending on what side you're born on, your life will likely look very different.
Title: The Inhuman Planet
Description: A poem presenting an outsider's perspective on homelessness.
Title: Temptation
Description: Is it worth it falling prey to such taboos?
Title: My Addiction
Description: Can you figure out this encrypted secret of mine?
Title: Life Like Controlled Breathing
Description: In and out. Up and down. This and that. All that is.
Title: Christmas Eve
Description: Have you ever wondered how Santa gets to all those houses in one night?
Title: Prince Peace
Description: Nothing can pierce his blanket of peace and love.
Title: The Feeling of Family
Description: I was challenged to write a poem with a specific set of words.
Title: Jesus
Description: 1 to 10 syllables about the savior of our reality.
Title: Love/Star-Crossed Friend
Description: A poem for and about my love.
Title: Time
Description: If the time is now, then now is the time...
Title: A Message from the Past
Description: Can it ever be now? For even this is in the past.=
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